Dad's Wood Shop

Shop Projects

Welcome to my blog, I like to make sawdust in my shop and several friends have asked to see my stuff. I am definitely a hobbyist and don’t consider myself very creative. Most of my project ideas are ‘stolen’. I see them somewhere and think they are cool and I say ‘I could make that’. Sometimes I’m right and sometimes i definitely am not.

The ‘art’ piece at the top of this page was made for a coworker of one my kids. She showed me a picture (again the ‘stolen’ issue) and I thought it would be ‘fun’ to try.

The map below was a gift to my youngest daughter from my oldest daughter. (Those of you who know me, know I have seven children and currently 5 grands.) The map is 30×50″ and my oldest daughter (who IS very artistic) did the resin work.

UPDATE 2-8-2021 I entered the map in a national contest sponsored by the CNC Router users group I belong to and we came in SECOND PLACE….